Helena Bonham Carter

I have to say Helena Bonham Carter is one of my favorite people, not only is she a great actress with an amazing unique fashion sense, she´s also (from what I hear), very intelligent and kind, confident and humble. I want to focus on her incredible personal style today though. What I love about her is that she wants fashion to be fun, not about looking perfect and following the same trends everyone else does. This is why I want to be a designer. I want to be creative, working with colors, unconventional materials, crazy cuts and contrasts, not being a slave under the latest trend forecasts. Fashion to me is art. Now of course it would be naive of me to think that there´s a huge market for that type of garments, unless I could get a job as HBC´s personal designer of course. Ah, well, a girl can dream…

Some quotes from miss Bonham-Carter in an interview with People Magazine, in january 2011.

“Sometimes I get it right and I sometimes I get it wrong. But fashion is all about having fun. I think fashion has been hijacked by the fashion industry creating rules on what one should wear and I feel like breaking the mold and seeing that the world won’t crumble.”

On her Golden Globe outfit, where she matched up a crazy colorful tulle dress with a red and a green shoe:
“Why not wear mismatching shoes? Who says we can’t? I was just having fun. For me, fashion is all about fantasy and putting unlikely things together. That’s what I love. I genuinely love dressing up.”

Bliss Lau

Bliss Lau is a chinese/american designer who makes fantastic creative accessories with the intention of blurring the lines between garment and accessory. The jewelry is designed to enhance and reshape different parts of the body, with inspiration from history, Hawaiian culture, and New York’s architecture such as the Brooklyn Bridge and the Chrysler building.

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Confessions of a sugar addict

I´m not an easy person to shock but yesterday I found myself staring into thin air with my mouth open for several minutes. The book Maggie goes on a diet (yes, it´s a real book, a children´s book! Age range; 6-12) is about 14 year old Maggie who is overweight and for that reason bullied in school. So she goes on a diet and starts exercising, becomes thin and therefor, of course, popular and happy. Some quotes from the book:
“Losing the weight was not only good for Maggie’s health, Maggie was so much happier and was also very proud of herself.”
“More and more people were beginning to know Maggie by name. Playing soccer gave Maggie popularity and fame.”

I´m aware of the fact that obesity is a problem in society, not only among grown ups but also children. And it´s important to educate these people on nutrition and make them want to choose a healthier more active life style. However that responsibility should never be put on a child. It´s the parents that need to be educated on what they do to their children (and themselves) by stuffing them with sugary starchy food every day, not only obesity but type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

The word diet makes me cringe, it´s something our mothers did in the 80´s, the era of the low fat (high carb) products. To me it means starving yourself for a certain amount of time to loose weight, and then get back to eating “normally” again, usually resulting in gaining all the weight back, just to go on a another diet to loose it all again. Don´t even get me started on soulless cults like Weight Watchers and Cambridge, making money out of selling their sugary starchy products, feeding their customers sugar addiction, just to make sure that they will keep coming back, after they fall off the starvation wagon. But no, Weight Watchers is great, it works every time! Really, every time huh?

Sugar and starvation is a lethal combination, you´re set to fail from the very first day. Bouncing blood sugar levels, lack of energy, the endorphin/serotonin receptors in your brain screaming for their next sugar fix. It´s only a matter of time before you cave.

Choosing a healthy life style is not about denying yourself what you like, it´s about learning what eating crap does to your body, and there for willingly choosing a healthier option. Unfortunately sugar is a powerful demon and not a lot of people are willing to give it up. Believe me, I know, I have fallen off my carb free wagon a number of times (my love of bread and chocolate is borderline sickly), but in the end I have to compare how my body responds to eating carbs as opposed to not eating them which makes it easier and easier to choose to not go down that road today. Now I know not everybody out there has this problem with sugar, there´s a lot of people out there who can eat carbohydrates every day with being triggered into over eating, I´m not writing this for them, I´m writing for the people who has a sugar sensitivity/addiction and treats food like a drug. I can promise you the majority of the obese people out there has this chemical imbalance in their brain, it´s not lack of character as a lot of the non-sugar-sensitive people enjoys calling it. People are different, just like some people can drink alcohol without becoming addicted while others can not. For a quick and simple lesson in the bio-chemistry of your brain; click here.

Ok so this turned into a lot of sugar is the devil propaganda. But I do think it´s an important issue, and it makes me sad to see people mistreat their bodies in such terrible ways, especially when it also affects their children.

For more info check out my Nutrition page for some videos from one of my favorite movies Fat Head.
And for those of you out there who are struggling with a sugar addiction and would like help, this is another good website, Radiant Recovery.

Princess Couture

Dante Tyler took 8 Disney princesses and turned them into high fashion super models and put them on the cover of Vogue. A fun idea and I think the results are fantastic. He really managed to capture the essentials of today´s fashion illustration. My favorite cover is the one with Pocahontas I think. I also love the details of the content for each magazine dedicated to the cover model.

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Bathroom cabinet must-haves

Bandaids for drama queens! Too funny, anyone knows where to buy it?

How about some organic vegan dental floss? www.radiustoothbrush.com

Hand-made, hand-shaped, hand-soap. By Foliage on www.etsy.com

Ginza magazine featured an article about the new japanese tattoo trend, temporary tattoos for your teeth. You can get them in the shape of a lady bug, hearts, stars or with rhine stones.

Hand-sanitizers, if you, like me, have germophobic tendencies.

For your daily blood bath.

And last but not least, some meat flavoured lip balm.
The above products are found at www.neatoshop.com

Photoshopping gone wrong

I do love both Glee and Vogue, but this was just a bad a idea. If we look away from the fact that two of my favorite characters from the show, Mercedes (Amber Riley) and Santana (Naya Rivera) aren´t even in the photo, there are some serious photoshopping errors that have been made here. In fact were any of these people actually in the studio at the same time of have they all just been cut and pasted together?
(Click for larger view.)

DIY Stilettos

Designer Sharon Golan created MyShell256, a shoe consisting of 16 components that you can reassemble into 256 different designs. The shoes are held together by silicon rubber-bands. Through a video and a interactive website you get instructions how to achieve the different shoe creations. The inspiration from the shoe came from the earth and the terrestrial crust, which is shaped by internal pressure as it moves. The 16 pieces were inspired by things from nature: parts of fruit peel, egg, earth and shell. I do have to admire the creativity of it, however the shoe itself, apart from looking insanely uncomfortable, brings a whole new meaning to the word fugly.

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